The energy sector of Canada has been recognized globally with its production of energy resources and the implementation and development of technology for improving efficiency and reduction of environmental impacts. This is particularly important around the home, where home experts say energy technology is on the rise. The energy brand is internationally renowned and the export opportunities are solid.
The question will be how to make the most out of the knowledge, experience, and innovation of the energy sector in order to move forward towards a global economy of low-carbon and high-energy in the near future. The Spotlight highlights the Canada’s energy and clean-tech industries positioning in the international picture to leverage what the export opportunities can offer.
Key Points
Canada’s contributions towards the generation of renewable energy, the transmission of energy, and extraction of resources are being elevated to be a sector of clean-tech and energy-tech that focused on the increase of sustainability.
With the Middle East countries and the Pacific Rim islands as large potential markets for the energy-tech sector, Canada clearly has the competitive advantage due to the excellent reputation and the experiences in providing solutions to problems relating to operations, infrastructure, and logistics.
From the start, the energy-tech companies of Canada have to be more open-minded when it comes to developing strategies for commercialization, building a global convenient market organization, and generation of capability for local sales.
The focus of Canada must be on its clean-tech since it has more competitive advantages on the international stage because of its technology development and export that reduces such emissions and lower the cost of the production of oil and gas sector.